
Building Blocks for a Better Menu

Elevate Your School's Program: Crafting Joyful, Nutrient-Rich Menus with Zee Zees




Nutritional Foundations

At Zee Zees, our mission is to inspire schools to craft delightful, guideline-compliant meals with a twist. Our characters and products serve as the creative building blocks for your menus, offering an array of better-for-you snacks that cater to both taste and nutrition. From guiding you through our product offerings categorized by meal. contributions to providing essential resources and printable Zeesources for schools, we equip you with everything needed to transform your school's menu.

Meet Our Cast Of Characters

We’ve focused our Zee Zees family around what matters most– meeting meal contributions and making healthy food fun! Each Zee Zee character is paired with a specific meal contribution to make meal planning fun and easy! Ozzy takes a special role – you’ll find him on items that can meet more than one food component, like M/MA OR Veg/Legume, for example. Learn more below!

  • Zed


  • Larz


  • Grizlee


  • Mezlo


  • Ozzy



SY 24/25 Food Service Guide

To simplify your selection process for healthier, student-friendly food options, we've curated a concise guide featuring our Zee Zees product line of Better-For-You snacks.

Fine-Tune Your Food Service Strategy

Our Zee Zees universe extends beyond snacks, offering comprehensive planning and cafeteria resources designed to make mealtime both healthy and exciting. From detailed allergen guides to program insights and creative Zeesources, we equip you with the tools to navigate meal contributions effortlessly. Explore our resources to bring Zee Zees joy into your cafeteria today!

Zeesources For Your Cafeteria

Zee Zees Zeesources are free holiday and activity digital downloads, and watch our videos on ways Zee Zees can help build participation, excitement and profitability into your foodservice program.